Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Write in english or indonesian?

Well-well today's course is soo boring. Moment mal, after second thought, I think it is not because of the lecturer, but myself. I only slept 6 hours today (only 6? It is usually enough for everyone? But not me ^^), so I feel unspirited and weak right now. While David are telling us some introduction to Object Oriented Modelling, I decide to write my blog.

After considering a lot of time, I realized that I have two blogs, here in blogspot and the other one in the multiply. Usually, I only create one posting in blogspot and let multiply system to aggregate my post here and add to my multiply blog. Maybe you are curious why I do it? If you're not, I keep telling you the reason why ^_^. Blogspot is my first blog and I use blogspot for my study and brainstorming idea, on the other hand, at first multiply is used to enable me download my friend's songs. Hey, Dude, dont tell anyone about it, OK ^^. I feel that writing blogpost in two place is time-consuming and not interesting. So, if I let multiply aggregate my post in blogpost, I will have more time to do other things.

But then again I realize, Dude, it makes no sense to have two equivalent blogs. What's the use? OK, I could argue that I have different community for both of them. In blogpost, my friends are mainly from Indonesia, such as, my best friend, my juniors, my colleagues, whereas in multiply, my friends are mainly from Aachen germany. But still, it does not make sense, at least for me, Dude ^^.

I've ever decided to differentiate topics for blogspot and multiply. I would like to use blogspot for academic and serious things, while multiply for other things. But then again, another problem appears. My friends in blogspot really like to write something so funny, unusual, interesting. So, if I became the only one who write something so serious and academical, where should I put my face ^^. Huheuehuheuheuue...

I also think that my english is still bad for academic use. You know what, Dude? My supervisor always tells me to work on my languages. Oh please Dude, You know how shameful it is to hear that from him T_T. OK from now on, I'd like to try to write english here and indonesia in my multiply blog.


Anonymous said...

Blogspot sux...
Multiply too...

hihihiihi... Kidding =)

Anonymous said...

Wow... untunglah.. kirain elo bakalan nulis dalam bahasa jeremuan :p kekekke.... mana tahan awak... ich libedi lah pokoknya, entah bener enggak ngejanya :p

ted said...

hey dude ... :D

same here big bro ... :D
i have three blogs. blogspot is my main blog since I can easily post from my mobile phone. in friendster blog, I post my posts in Japanese Lang (just for practices). and 360 is not active ...

Unknown said...

@goio: berbeda pendapat boleh kan!

@wiku: jerman? Noo please. Bahasa jerman gw kaputt (ancur), daripada diketawain ama temen-temen di Aachen, mending nulis bahasa inggris deh ^^

@sandy: I Agree, San. I also abandon my 360 blogs. I dont know why..Maybe because I dont think its features draw any of my interests ^^

eni.rahmayanti said...

Masrid, 'mang blogku brapa gt dibilang byk bgt? kn cm tiga, wekekek, sm ma yg laen. blogger, multiply (which is cross-posted with blogger, and you'd said 'useless', and I think so, but biarin deh :D), 360 cm kl lg iseng aja (paling ngupdet blast, caper gt weqeqeq)

mostly active blogger koq, scara dah dari pertama pisan bikin blog. so, kapan neh balik ke Indon? *nyambung bgt ga seh*

Unknown said...

secara mulu ^^

kapan pulang ke indo ya? Semoga cepet aja ^^

Anonymous said...

Wew... ada rencana balik ke indo bos? kirain terlalu betah disana :p hihihi....

Unknown said...

Of course, I will come back to Indonesia someday. I hope it would be this year. Pray for me, okay ^^