Thursday, June 11, 2009

Worst of the day - 11 Juni 2009

First worst chat:

X: udah baca smsku tapi pagi?
X: sebel banget...merusak hariku
Y: emangnya ada apa dengan sms itu?
Y: kenapa merusak hari?
X: aku curhat tentang mimpiku
Y: emang mimpi apaan?
X: sebel banget...masa aku mimpi spending hari bersamamu...udah gitu ada adegan bercinta lagi...
X: mana mimpinya panjang banget...
Y: gila lo. mimpi kok bisa parah gitu
X: an**** juga ga tau kenapa bisa gitu
Y: yang mimpi elo loh ga ikut2an
X: sebelllll........!!!!!!!!!! kaya ga ada artis laen aja...
Y: ya maaf...kan gw bukan artis
X: mending sama brad pitt atau david beckham.
X: sebeellll
X: sebeeellll
X: sebbeeellll....
Y: terus ngapain elo kirim sms ke gw? mau komplain?
X: iya...mau udah dapet enaknya gw engga
Y: heh? dapat enaknya? ga salah tuh? plis dong...jangan lebai deh
X: lu pasti mikir yg macem2 yah...
X: sooryyy yaaaa...jelas2 di mimpi lu yg 'minta' kok...
Y: ya jangan kasih dong
X: geblek banget kan mimpinya
Y: banget2 deh
X: abis kamu maksa siy...
X: kalu lu emang naksir bilang aja langsung... ga usah pake masuk miimpi gitu...
X: ketemu juga belum pernah
X: lain kali kalu mau masuk mimpi sms dulu kek...atu apa gitu...
Y: loe lagi stres ya?
X: aku tidur 6 jam semalam n selama itu aku mimpi ga putus2...sebel banget...mending sama yg lain gitu...
X: stress?? tapi ga ada hubungan sm lu...
Y: ya udah sama yang lain aja. berdoa aja sebelum tidur. supaya ga mimpi "buruk" dengan gw
X: buruk lu kate? buruk di gw kalee..bukan di elu....
X: 'kamu dimimpi' yg dapet enaknya...
Y: ok that's it... i'm angry now. bye
X: bye

Plis dong, kan orang lain ga bisa ngatur mimpi elo....

Second worst chat:

X: Mas, Dc
Y: oh dc. gw pikir bobo
X: Pantes
Y: pantes apaan?
X: Tidur aja aah
Y: deuuuh...ngambek?
X: Sudah yaa Bye
Y: eh serius?
X: -off-
Y: ditinggal gitu aja
Y: ok deh..met bobo
X: Ga mau ngomong, ga mau chat, ga mau fb, ga mau mp
Y: kok tiba2 gini sih? ok as you wish
X: Mas nyebelin
Y: kok tiba-tiba aku dibilang nyebelin?
Y: kamu kenapa? ada apa?
X: Aku kan masiy mau chat
Y: aku juga masih mau chat
Y: tadi tuh cuma salah paham
Y: aku telp ya..
Y: boleh?
Y: marah ya?
Y: kok ga jawab-jawab sih? itu tak lagi berbalas....

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Best Words of the day - 3 Juni 2009

Best chat of the day

A: ini visible koq
B: di aku invi kok
B: invisible is only for cowards
A: iiy reseh aah

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Best Words of the day - 31 Mei 2009

Linda Saptadji's Status

Cinta tak selalu berarti persamaan, tak juga perbedaan. Krn tanpa disadari, perbedaanlah yg satukan kita. Bukankah dunia indah karena perbedaan? Salah satu wujud cinta adalah janji, janji memberi yg terbaik pd diri sendiri. Banyak jalan tuk wujudkan janji. Masing2 dg caranya sendiri, dg sgala keunikannya. Kita cuma butuh kesediaan utk m’buka hati & menyadari apakah jalan yg kita pilih mendekatkan/jauhkan kita drNya.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

My Plan in this year

In July last year, I defended my thesis in front of two professors: Prof. Matthias Jarke from Informatik 5 RWTH Aachen and Prof. Marcus Specht from Open University, Heerlen. After defending my thesis, I encountered another crossroad of my life. Would I continue my degree to higher level, e.g., pursuing Ph.D. degree or working in industry.

Then, I applied to several companies, from small to big enterprises. And you know what, they rejected me ^^ With several reasons, like:
1. Due to visa problem. They expected me to have a working visa. However, I can not give them one since I only have temporary visa. I could have a working visa, if I could show a working contract to Germany Foreign Ministry. So its like chicken-egg problem. I cant get working visa since I dont have a working contract, and I cant have a working ontract since I dont have a working visa.
2. Financial crisis. A company manager has promised me a position within his company. He really needs a capable (ehemm.. :p) programmer to work in a project in his company. We have discussed the project and almost came to a conclusion. However, suddenly global financial crisis came and suddenly the project got canceled and he could not offer me the promised position.
3. German languange. Naturally, if you want to work in german company, you need to be able to talk and write fluently in german. Or at least you could communicate using german language. And that is my weakest point. I hardly could talk german at all. I know several words and idioms but I have difficulty to use it fluently. My grammar sucks
4. Found another more suited candidate: Na ja...can not complain about this ^^

Wow..suddenly I already wrote a lot. Anyway, after encountering problem to go into industry, I tried to do Doktorand or Ph.D. I applied to some university and I received some rejections. There is one professor who eagerly asked for someone to work on his project and naturally I applied for that position. He and his colleagues interviewed me then said that he would give me an answer within 2 weeks. Four weeks passed by without any news. When I asked him again about it, he said "I would talk to my colleagues about you". What the!!!!! I got disappointed and I stopped pursuing the position within his project.

If Allah has decided, then it'll happen. I applied for Ph.D. position again..this time, I applied to outside Germany, Austria. I was accepted with condition: I need to have a scholarship. Alhamdulillah, I got it. I would start my phd career on november 2009. I hope I could succeed. I am still anxious n afraid of what would come. I could only pray for the best and strive for the rest ^^

I'm back....

After several months stop blogging, now I'm back...

Now I'm back...I am not a student anymore. I have graduated from my master program and will strive for another challenge...

I'll let you know my story later on. I will re-arrange the layout of my blog. Feel free to say whether you like it or not ^^

Edit: After several consideration...I dont feel like changing my blog's layout. I still could not find a layout I like. Maybe later...when I could find one ^^