Sunday, June 24, 2007

Finding mp3 files in internet

Well, maybe you've already known this. Usually, I do it by asking Mr. Google to give answer to my query. I usually give query something like this

<singer> <song-title> download
or last time I always type something like this
<singer> <song-title> multiply download
But, I just obtained better query. Since I always try to find mp3 files in multiply, then my friend gave this query
<singer> - <song-title> download
For example:
to find peterpan's song "menghapus jejakmu", I will type in Google search textbox:
peterpan - menghapus jejakmu download

So easy, right ^^. Thanks Za!!
Aachen, June 25, 2007
My deepest thanks to Reiza, my friend


ipon said...

Gue juga taunya dari anak2 Duisburg pas awal2 siaran streaming radio :)

Unknown said... problem. At least you're the one who shared it with me. Thanx anyway ^^

Anonymous said...

Okie okie... thanks lad! :D

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Unknown said...

Wew, I receive a spam comment, so I delete it okay...

Anonymous said...

Wie gehts??

Unknown said...

@anonymous: wer sind Sie?

Anonymous said...

Hummm... kirain mau legal... ternyata masih ngajarin yang ilegal ... hihihihihi

Unknown said... sih pengen legal di semuanya. Tapi gimana dong, mp3 kan susah ditahan ^^.

Its so hard to resist downloading them