This posting is about how I feel about my life. Please do not misunderstand me. I do not like to brag about my condition, especially when there are others with much more welfare and leisure than what I have. It is just how I feel.
Lately, I become more and more concern about how will I live (= earn money) after I knew that my money would only cover till the end of this year. Yup might be only until december 2007, if I do not get any money from any part time job. I was confused how to deal with it. Since my thesis-proposal seminar is postponed until September, perhaps, maybe worse then I at least need to support my own living here in Aachen till March 2008. I also consider whether I can become a successful man someday. I can't say that for sure. I just pray for the best things in this- and, of course, next-world.
Suddenly, a thought struck into my mind. How many times do I think I were finished? How many times do I think I could not move again? How many times do I think I've failed? Wew, I could only mention several, but maybe much more than that. So, how could I go through all of them? I think there are many times when suddenly "an invisible hand" come and help me. Is it the same as promised in Al Quran that Allah will help the one who need the help most? OK, I realized I am not a perfect muslim. I did a lot of mistakes, moreover sins. But, still I got helps from directions or people I've never imagined...Alhamdulillaahi robbil 'aalamiin.
Up until now, I think I've never really undergone run-out-of-money problem. Even though I almost have no money and no job also, suddenly my parents provide me with quite fair sum of it. I dont know whether it's because God has not given His "no-money-at-all trial" to me or it is His respond to my deed (sorry, it is the way what is "ibadah" in English?).
As a matter of fact, I believe that, perhaps, God deliver His "rizki" and "barokah" through many ways. And currently, one of His way is through my parents. I dont know whether my thought is right or wrong. I just want to believe it. I just realize that I've been living adequately up till now. Adequately? Naaahhh, I dont think so. Allah has provide me with anything to my fullest. It is not "live adequately", but "live heartfully".
Aachen, July 10, 2007
While waiting for
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
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Oh, like that so "mengharukan" keep on fighting. Spirit !!
tetap semangat mas!!!! aku juga pernah kok mengalami ndak ada duit sama sekali ..sampe harus ngutang ke teman buat makan ..wakakak.. tapi itu pas kul.. dan di Indonesia.. jadi nya ngga gitu susah. jadi sekarang kayak ndak takut bakal ndak ada duit ... karena pasti ada yang menolong :D
tapi usaha dulu! tetap semangat sekali lagi!!!!
Hahaha setuju, gw baru nyadar. Ngapain mikirin "bakal gak punya duit", wong belum kejadian kok. Yang penting berusaha emang ^^
mas...mau kedatangan adek kelas tuh ...cewek looohhh...
Wah asyik.....angkatan berapa nih.
Eh omong-omong dia mau datang ke jerman atau lebih spesifiknya ke Aachen nih?
hoi mas ... hayoo siapa .. ada deeeeh ... angkatan 2002. dia mau ke jerman .. tepat nya ke Aachen ...
silakan liat di blog si doi
HOREEEE!!!! Aachen tambah "segar", setelah kekeringan cewe. Huheuehuehuehuehuehue
Omong-omong dia udah punya kenalan buat ngurusin rumah dkk di sini ga? At least ga jadi gelandangan pas datang ke Aachen. Hehehehhe
silakan meet and greet deh sama sang adik kelas... bisa lewat blog ato ceting :D
paling dia juga senang kalo ada yang menyambut :D
tapi kayaknya ngga ke achen dulu deh .. ke trento kayaknya :D
Ndy, bukannya dia pergi ke Itali? Gw baca blognya, dia ngurus ke kedutaan di Itali? Dia kuliah di program "sandwich" ya? 1 tahun di itali, 1 tahun di jerman (aachen). Seperti 2 anak IF lain, Yusi n Tizar IF00
Oooo kalo ternyata dia ke trento dulu, kayaknya ga bakal sempet ketemu gw sih. Huheuheuehue..ya so wie so masih ada Nanda ^^
InsyaAllah dia bisa bantu ntar
Halo mas!
Iya aku ikut program "sandwich" itu, jadi ke Aachennya baru Maret 2008-Maret 2009. Mas Ridwan sampe kapan di Aachen?
Halo Chietz, ooo datangnya bulan maret ya. ga tahu apa gw masih di Aachen bulan segitu (kemungkinan besar masih sih T_T). Kalaupun gw ga ada, di sini masih ada 2 anak IF kok. Aman dah ^^
Wow... keep your chin up Dude :D I am here for you.... :p kekekekek
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